Our focus is on the promotional product as “hardware” in advertising, particularly custom-made products.


With more than 20 years’ experience in different industries in various sectors of marketing, purchasing and sales we understand customers’ needs well and act accordingly with adequate consultation and to provide successful promotional products for our clients.

We always consider the promotional item within the context of its goals. The promotional product should effectively support a company’s image, a campaign or a product launch – we know what is important to achieve this.


We have twice won the PSI Award “Campaign of the year” – an Award which singles out the successful implementation of one or more promotional products within an advertising campaign.


Our short history:

After several years gaining experience in the industry and in agencies we found the right time to continue on our own. We wanted to work in a way that is more customers focussed, more efficient, within leaner structures, more flexible and with more fun in what we do.


So we set up our own company trendidee GmbH Berlin in May 2000, renamed in 2018 to mehrfalt GmbH – and have not regretted a single day.



7 questions to us (video)